online lessons

Stronger Together Now More than Ever

Stronger Together Now More than Ever

March 12, 2020, I wrapped up all my guitar and bass lessons for the day at the Pasadena School of Rock at around 6:15 pm. “Just enough time,” I thought. On my way out I said, “See ya later” to my fellow instructors, I didn’t realize just how much later it would end up being. I walked out the back door, got in my car and b-lined it to Brick by Brick in San Diego to see my former bosses and friends in Static-X. It was a 2-hour drive down the California coastline, and worth every mile. This was right around the time the whole world was on the fence about completely shutting down. I did feel a little “on edge” about going to a crowded place while the world was being threatened so severely, but I knew in my head that this was going to be the last possible time to go out for a while if this virus was going to be as bad as they were projecting, and I needed my fix.